Registered Clinical Counselling for BC Residents

You do well at school and work, and feel like you can 'keep it together' to get tasks done and put on a happy face. Behind the scenes though you are struggling and often go home at the end of the day overwhelmed, anxious and may be falling into coping mechanisms that no longer serve you. While in many ways you can function and get by, you feel isolated because your emotions and thoughts do not match what you put out to the world.
Burnout does not have a specific look and can occur regardless of occupation or academic level. Therapy can be a judgmental free zone to explore why it is happening and how to move forward. I include CBT techniques on how to tackle thoughts and behaviours that may be getting in your way.
If you have been looking up how to tackle burnout, you may be reading a lot about self-care. I’m not going to tell you to put on a sheet mask (though those are nice). Actual self-care looks like engaging in a healthy lifestyle, setting boundaries and acting kindly towards yourself even when the anxious thoughts are racing. It is also realizing what is in your control and what are systemic issues that can burnout to occur.